Tone It Up Summer Series 2019

Who else is just beyond excited for this years Summer Series!!! This has come at the perfect time too because I need a little boost in my eating and workout habits. Let's just say I've been a bit lax lately ... so I am so excited to get started and get into shape. I still haven't reached my goal weight, but I am definitely going in the right direction. 

If you haven't heard of Tone It Up, you can check them out here and checkout out the new series that started today ... it's never too late to join!

To Start off the 6 week series, here are my before photos and weight:

Weight: 145.6 pounds

I can't wait to kill it with all the other TIU girls and take my after photos and show you all! My overall goal is just to stick with healthy eating and possibly lose 10 or so pounds in the next six weeks. 

Follow my journey on instagram @toneituptoni and let's keep each other accountable!



April 22, 2019 — Toni Scott

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